
Week from now

So the time flyes. It seems like only 3 months ago that we got engaged, but actually it is over 2 years ago and next Saturday we have said the words, danced the dances and spend a evening with dear friends and close family. Probably some tears will be shead and hopefully a lot of laughter, hugs and smiles.

It feels almost surreal to think that next week at this time we are a married couple. We have made a promise in front of people that we will love eachother no matter what, ups and downs. Support eachother and give also time for ourself. Week from now we have promised in front of people to spend the rest of our lives together. I really wanna belive we will make it. Even though we have our fights, our different natures and tempers. I belive in us. I belive we can learn to live with our quarkiness and find new sides also. Fall in love over and over again. We will learn to understand eachother more and more. We will learn to hurt eachother, but hopefully also to help, support and forgive. We will learn to not get too upset over little things and sometimes we will forget what we have learned. In the end, what is most important, is to remember why we have choosen to live the rest of our lives with the person next to us. We might not always see the person we love under all the hectik life we are living, that is why we also have friends, family and my photo albums to remind us of who we are.

It is so easy to forget what weddings are about, when there is so much planning, money spend, color choises, flower picking, paper cutting.. We have everything we need ready. We have the two people, me and mr. J, we have a person to make us legally married and we have people we care to witness that. That is what in its raw material wedding is about. All the other, all the stress, is just extra. It is the suger topping on a cake.

We do also have the ”suger topping” in really good shape. We have clothes, i have all my make up and nail colors decided, table decorations, musics decided, playlists done, quests confirmed coming etc. Things are so well, that I have actually managed to watch all 8 Harry Potter movies during this week. During some movies, I did also do some wedding paper cutting. Multitasking is almost every ladies name. It is nice to notice how my family has come to help in the preporations too. They deserve a great thank you for all their help so far and to come.

A bumppy road

I already mentioned in an earlier post, that wedding dress didn´t go as planned. Seems there has been some theme a long the way in having to find a plan B. I had booked a wedding make up from a company. I had my trial make up and it didn´t go at all as I had asked. I asked for light, natural looking makeup, but ended up getting really heavy 80´s style makeup. They didn´t even try to change it more while I was at the trial makeup, so I found my self not feeling comfortable with the idea that they would make my wedding day makeup. Luckily my dear bridesmaid agreed to help. She had already done a makeup for me for my bachelorette party and she has done makeup previous summer to her other friends wedding. So it was of to shopping some makeup for my skin type and she made a fabilous trial makeup! 

During the week I had my bachelorette party, I managed to fell and hurt my leg so bad, that I couldn´t stand at all. I needed to people to help me at the toilet. It was not the best option for a bachelorette party, but with Joery ranning to help when needed, we made it happen. It didn´t bother me at all to have him come every once in a while to help. What really bothered was the hangover the next day. I am too old for homemade-pocahontas-friends mixed drinks! 

Joerys journey has also not been totally easy. We have searched around the city for a orange undershirt. No orange, atleast not his size. We found one, but it was actually too light orange and ment for a lot slimmer body type. We had already lost our hope since all the shops in Jyväskylä had been chearched. We decided to go with more neutral color. When we went to search for the more neutral colored, there it was. 2 orange shirts. Correct color! It was a happy ending after all

Originally we also had problems with our internet giftlist. It turned out, that the website had not been updated in a while and when we tried to contact the website makers, the message returned back like a bummerang. We were worried that we would have to try to info everysingle quest to type wrong dates just to get in to the gift list. Since we already had sent the invitations. But by some miracle, the next day the website had been updated and the problem was solved. It had stolen a nights sleeps from me, but luckily that was the only trouble.

I am hoping, that all the smaller and bigger problems that have occured along the way, will mean that at our wedding day there will be no problems at all -A girl can dream.

What is going in my mind now week before the long planned day?

My biggest worrie is just, that I want everyone to have good time. I have tried to prepare myself as
well as possible to think, that something bad can happen. Maybe food will drop on my clothes or on joerys clothes. Maybe rings get forgotten at home. Maybe our wedding dance will get ruined, maybe people don´t like the food or maybe people don´t understand why we wanted to take the potrets pictures after the wedding seremony and will hate us for making them wait… There is so many things that can go bad. I think my remedy in getting over of all the worring has actually been the movies. Watching movies gives my brains a time to relax and worrie about fictional characters instead of our own reality.

I am worried that I will cry so much, that any words I would need to say will just not come out. I am worried that my chair breaks just a day before the wedding. I am worried of so many things, and none of the things is something I can really do anything about. It is time to take time and belive, that day will be great. Maybe not Perfect day, but it will be a day I can look afterwards with a smile on my face while hugging my husband.

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